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I'm Heather. I have experienced more than two decades of chronic, debilitating pain and increasingly problematic functional limitations. I have lived a lifetime with significant difficulty sitting, standing, lying down, and engaging in the types and levels of physical activities that interest me. These limitations have impacted my basic human functions such as being able to sleep, stand in line, and sit down to work on a computer and to drive and yet, a glut of medical providers could do nothing for me beyond taking my workplace PTO, taking my co-pay and offering me pain medication to mask the symptoms...for decades.

Common alternative treatments that everyone has heard of kept me going but really, my life was about getting pasted together just enough to make it until the next appointment.


I have found the combination of clinical somatic exercise and postural rehabilitation to be the most effective treatment for my chronic pain. The result has been life-changing. The improvement in my pain levels and functional limitations have been significant and lasting. Even better, these treatments are self-directive so help is available when I need it.


My goal is to help others who have resigned themselves to a life where pain and limitation play into every choice they make to do or not do something. Do you feel defeated by your exasperation over this? I hope you have enough of your grit left to try one more thing. It will not be one of the hardest things you've accomplished.


​Other notable bits about me


  • Certified Clinical Somatic Exercise Instructor

  • Certified Postural Alignment Specialist

  • Masters Degree in Rehabilitation Counseling

  • Extensive professional and academic background in multi-population disability issues

  • Certified Rehabilitation Counselor

  • I have a real interest in helping you


About Me

Certified Clinical Somatic Exercise Instructor
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